Tuesday, April 14, 2009



First off, read an Autobiography of our class novel's author, Rodman Philbrick. http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/bookrev/bio.htm

1) How old was he when he was first published? How long did this take?

2) What do you think makes him a good writer?

Next, today's blog asks you to find images that fit our class novel. Use an image search site like google image, choose your key words carefully, and select the best pictures possible.

Find an image that fits each of the following. Put them in today's blog.
A) Spaz
B) Ryter
C) Little Face
D) The Proov Girl
E) A Monkey Boy
For each, put a heading. Explain why each picture fits the character.

Done early? EDIT!!! Look at some of your classmates' sites. Make comments. Are you sure that YOU are fully caught up?

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